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November 9, 2023

7 Tips to Become a Land Owner in 2023

The year is winding to a close, but it’s not too late to be a land owner in 2023. While you may need to get started with your land purchase process, getting equipped is more important. You need to know what to look out for, how to get started and the dos and don’ts of buying land.


The year is winding to a close, but it’s not too late to be a land owner in 2023. While you may need to get started with your land purchase process, getting equipped is more important. You need to know what to look out for, how to get started and the dos and don’ts of buying land.

One of the most common forms of real estate is land ownership. Even though the field is open to newbies and professionals, mistakes are eminent without a guide. Land republic’s blog has several resources that will guide you and reduce the mistakes in your real estate journey. 

Tips to be a Land Owner in 2023

As a first-time purchaser, becoming a land owner could be tricky. You can ace your game with the right tips. We will show you the tips you need to become a land owner in 2023.

1. Start on the Right Note

In real estate, there is a place for everyone. Before starting on the journey of becoming a land owner, you need to know your budget. How much can you spare for the process of acquiring land? Your answer to this question will go a long way in determining your land purchase approach.

One of the things your budget influences is the location of the land you will buy. Do not aim for capital-intensive or metropolitan cities if you desire to conserve funds. Lands in such areas will be expensive and could run you into debt.

Furthermore, your budget determines the kind of payment approach you will employ. When working with real estate companies, you sometimes get the option of installment payment. Such payment plans allow you to spread the payment of your property across a period. Hence, reducing the payment burden and allowing you to own the land even if you don’t yet have the full payment.

2. Be Prepared to Negotiate

Several first time real estate investors skip the negotiation phase of the land buying process. Unfortunately, that is a big mistake. Before setting an asking price on land, most sellers factor in the negotiation phase. Several of them already set the minimum price for selling the land before you come into the picture. Not negotiating, gives them the upper hand and extra undue profit.

Sometimes, the reason why land buyers don’t negotiate is because they are not well guided. Before entering the negotiation phase, you should have a picture of what you want to achieve with the land. You should have a clear budget and know how flexible you can get with the budget.

Furthermore, conduct a market survey and confirm the prices stated by the seller. Your knowledge of the market prices will serve as a credible guide. Additionally, it will save you from the excitement that makes newbies forget the negotiation phase.

3. Know the Legal Procedures and Involve Your Legal Practitioner Early

Land purchase is an investment that requires you to know your rights. While it's tempting to use the legal practitioners of the sellers, you should involve your legal party. Leaving all the legal procedures into the hands of the seller's legal party could be dangerous. You could end up being a victim of fraudulent activities. Furthermore, it might be difficult to trace such persons if you get duped.

On the other hand, your legal practitioner is a trusted face who can crosscheck the facts for you. Their involvement will be solely for your benefit and their actions will be channeled towards safeguarding your interest. Additionally, having a legal practitioner will help you know the restrictions of the land and the purposes the land can serve. They will also guide you through the land acquisition phase and prepare you for the next steps.

4. Research and Draft a Proper Plan

Buying land requires intense research and plan drafting. One of the ways you can conduct your research is by analyzing previous sales in your proposed area. Check out the selling price for lands that are similar to the type you want to buy and the variations in prices across streets and landscapes.

Your knowledge of these prices will help inform your decision concerning buying from the proposed area. It could also give you an idea of the real estate market in the area. Based on the knowledge of prices across weeks and months, you can guess the appreciation/depreciation rate of your proposed area.

After conducting your research, the next agenda is to draft a plan. You need to have an acquisition and development plan. For example, do you intend to buy and keep? Do you intend to develop the land? Are you hoping to lease out the land or eventually sell it? If you will be selling the land, how long do you intend to keep it? What are your plans to ensure you recover your capital? You need answers to these and several other questions before buying land.

5. Never Outgrow the Experts

The importance of involving experts when buying land cannot be overemphasized. You need their wisdom and knowledge to guide you through the land purchase phase. Aside from reading up information online, talk to physical people.

Reach out to people who have sold land or sell land in your proposed area. Show them the options you are considering and let them guide you through. Also, reach out to local real estate agents and lawyers who transact in the area. Even though they will not decide for you, their opinions can help guide your decisions. 

When discussing with experts, ensure you do not hide vital information from them. Let them know your intentions for the land. For example, if you intend to construct a fishery pond, a rocky land might not be a good choice for you. For such purposes, it is best to choose lands that are quite close to river/water sources. Doing this could help reduce the amount you will spend constructing the fish pond.

Another set of people you should speak to are people who use land for the same purpose. They have adequate experience and can stop you from making the mistakes they made.

6. Spend Time at the Proposed Site

There are certain things about a land you will never discover if you are not physically present. Before buying land, you should spend adequate time on the property. Pay attention to the neighbourhood and how it operates. Observe the neighbouring houses and properties.

Pay attention so that you can spot issues early and solve them. If there are unsolvable issues or compromises you can’t make, spending time will help you know and forgo the land if that must be done. 

During your time in the land, ensure you interact with the people in the community. Get to know their experience living in the area. Also ask them questions about the local amenities, schools, markets and transportation. Furthermore, ask about the cost of living. During your interaction, they just might chip in the information that will guide your decision to buy or forgo the property.

7. Do the Maths

When you get the cost of the land, it is important to ask about hidden charges. Oftentimes, you will need to pay for documents like the survey and other essential land papers. Furthermore, the legal practitioner and real agent’s fees will need to be settled.

At this juncture, you need to factor in all these costs and compare them to your budget. If it is above your initial budget, confirm if you can bump the budget up a bit. Otherwise, come up with a payment that might work. If the payment plan isn’t feasible, then, you might need to choose a different property and rerun through these steps.


With the right tips, you can get land before the end of the year. Sometimes, several people are scared because of news they have heard about people getting duped and losing their money. However, by following the right tips and working with experts, you can avoid being a victim of bad stories.

Land Republic has helped and continues to help several people achieve their dreams of becoming land owners. We know it is sometimes difficult to trust companies you are not familiar with. However, we have several customer stories to back up our reputation.

While you get to know us, you can benefit from the resources on our website. Land Republic is always at your service. Reach out to us via +2348122222283 and


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