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March 8, 2023

7 Top Reasons to Invest in Real Estate vs Stocks

In this article, we will analyze real estate vs. stocks. We would look at the benefits of each investment pattern before comparing both side by the side.


Several investors naturally turn to real estate and stocks when they want to invest their funds. However, only a few people take the time to analyze each investment plan's pros and cons. In this article, we will analyze real estate vs. stocks. We would look at the benefits of each investment pattern before comparing both sides by the side.

Investing in Real Estate

Real estate can be defined as a property consisting of land, natural resources, and immovable property vested in it. These natural resources include assets like crops, minerals, and water. However, personal properties like vehicles, jewelry, and tools cannot be classified as part of real estate.

There are several ways you could invest in real estate. You could invest by buying land, flipping properties, or even revamping old houses. Similarly, you can invest by purchasing shares in real estate investment funds.

Real estate investment funds are similar to the stock exchange market. It is a form of real estate investment in which you buy fractional shares from the portfolio of commercial real estate assets.


1. It Gives you an Hedge Against Inflation

Investing in real estate saves you from the effects of inflation. During inflation, real estate tends to appreciate rather than depreciate.

2. Real Estate Requires Little or No Expertise to Get Started

You do not need a special school or training to get started in real estate. It is an investment strategy that allows you to learn on the job without incurring additional costs.

3. Real Estate is a Good Way to Escape Paying Tasks on your Investment

The government offers tax breaks on real estate properties. Consequently, you get to enjoy your real estate profits maximally.


1. It Has a Low Liquidity Rate

Converting real estate to cash would often require efforts and advertisement from the seller. It may not be easy to trade your real estate assets for cash without putting these in place.

2. Getting a High ROI often Requires Time

Real estate is a long-term investment that requires patience. Real estate may not be the best investment plan for you if you are in a hurry to start generating high ROI almost immediately.

Investing in Stocks

Investing in stocks gives you ownership of a fraction of the instituting corporation. By implication, you become an owner of a fraction of the company. Hence, making you entitled to dividends and a proportion of the company’s assets and profits.

Stock exchanges usually sell stocks. Due to their popularity, they are an integral part of the portfolio of many investors.


1. High Liquidity Rate

Stocks have a very high liquidity rate. It is easy to purchase it this moment and get it sold the next without tying down your funds.

2. You do not need much Money to Start Investing in Stocks

Investing in stocks does not require much funds from you. With as many as a few thousand, there are a couple of companies you can invest in.

3. Probability of High Returns Within a Short Time

Investing in stocks gives you a chance to generate interest quickly. However, this could be subject to how well the company you invested in is faring. Once the company's profits are fast-paced, its shareholders' shares will also appreciate at a fast pace.


1. High Volatility

The prices of stocks are highly volatile and could change at any time. Unfortunately, these prices do not give advanced notice before crashing or appreciating at will.

2. Your Profit Would be Affected by Brokerage

At every point you sell your shares, the brokerage gets its cut. This could eat into your profits and reduce the profitability of the strategy.

7 Top Benefits of Real Estate Over Stocks

1. Appreciation

Real estate appreciates faster and better than stocks. The appreciation of real estate is not as volatile as stocks. Hence, once there is an increment in real estate value, it hardly drops in price.

If you own land in a conducive, rapidly developing area, you can expect an annual increase of 7-10%. However, the appreciation of stocks is restricted and dependent on the growth or decline of the share market.

Consequently, the stakeholders will get a higher ROI if the company is booming and doing well. However, when the performance level is low, your return on investment also drops. Unfortunately, stocks are not a market that you can track easily. It is very volatile and unpredictable.

Due to stocks’ volatility, you could lose all your accumulated investments in a day. On the other hand, for a real estate property that is not booming as it ought, you would get 6-10 times its purchase value after about 6-20 years. Hence, it is best to opt for real estate when considering appreciation.

2. Liquidity

The liquidity of an investment refers to the amount of time it takes to convert the investment to cash. When analyzing real estate vs. stocks, real estate is not a very liquid asset. Converting your real estate assets to cash will require some effort from the estate owner.

You would need some advertisement, brokerage, and documentation preparation before converting the real estate to cash. Consequently, you cannot earn overnight cash from real estate. On the other hand, it is easy to liquidize stocks.

Comparing both investment plans, stocks will win real estate in terms of liquidity. When you have stocks in a company, you can liquidize them in weeks, days, or even hours. All you need is a click or a phone call.

Despite the high liquidity of stocks, you should be prepared to pay some amount to the mutual fund management company. The percentage you would pay to the company often depends on the duration you held the cash. You may not get a chance to debate this with the company because the money will be deducted immediately.

Additionally, the high liquidity rate of stocks does not mean selling them anytime you like is safe. When you are ready to liquidate, it may be lower in value than when you bought it. Hence, you may need to wait a while for the value to rise before selling it.

3. Initial Investment

Depending on the form of real estate investment you want to start with, you may need a significant amount of funds to start. Real estate could be capital intensive, especially if you are bent on starting with land and buildings. On the other hand, investing in stocks does not require much money. With a few thousand, you are good to go.

Real estate has an investment plan that is similar to stocks. It is called a real estate investment trust. However, it is not so popular because several people are sometimes skeptical about it. But in actual sense, it is one of the cheapest ways to get into real estate. It is a form of real estate investment in which you buy shares from the portfolio of a real estate company. Hence, you can invest in shares even in real estate.

4. Monitoring

Real estate requires more monitoring than the stock exchange. However, you don't have to endure the stress of monitoring your property. You could commit the task to an estate manager or, better still, invest with a credible real estate company. Investing with credible real estate companies eases the stress of monitoring you.

One of the reasons is that they only sell credible lands to clients. Additionally, most of their lands are close to each other. Hence, they could spot fishy developments on your property and alert you. To benefit from this arrangement, you should stay in contact with your real estate agent.

When speaking of stocks, monitoring is mostly done digitally. However, as stated earlier, its high volatility may pose a challenge.

5. Knowledge and Expertise Required

Real estate requires almost zero or no knowledge to get started with. There are few terminologies or voluminous subjects in the field. Hence, you could thrive and earn money without being a guru or long term investor.

On the other hand, when dealing with stocks, you need some technical know-how. You need to understand the market terminologies, so you are not groping in the dark. Additionally, you need to understand how the market flows. It is important to know when to sell and when to hold on. If not, you will run at a loss.

Real estate is the easiest and best when discussing knowledge requirements in real estate vs. stocks.

6. Price Control and Influence

Real estate will beat stocks hands down regarding price influencing and control. The stock exchange price is solely based on the company and how much income it makes. On the other hand, you can easily influence the price of your real estate assets.

For example, owning bare land could influence the price of building exquisite, captivating structures. These structures will command attention, attract several customers and give you a chance to increase the price based on the high demand.

If you had a building on the land, you could increase its value by renovating the structure and making it enticing. There are numerous ways through which you could increase the value of your real estate asset. However, you can't get such luxury when dealing with the stock exchange.

7. Long Term Returns vs One-off Payout

You could replace the phrase "Real estate vs. stocks" with "long-term returns vs. one-off payout." When dealing with stocks, the returns are usually one-offs. Once you trade the stocks for money, that chapter is closed.

With real estate, you could change the narrative. Real estate allows you to generate positive cash flow over time. One way you can generate long-term returns from real estate is by offering rental services or even a lease of your property.

Still looking to know more about how real estate compares with stocks? Check out this comprehensive article where we explored which is safer between investing in real estate and stocks.


Stocks and real estate are leading investment strategies that many investors naturally lean towards. However, only a few ever take the time to analyze real estate vs. stocks. No doubt, both investment strategies have their advantages. This article places both investment plans side by side and analyzes the best investment based on different criteria.

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