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October 26, 2023

Common Mistakes First Time Real Estate Investors Make

When you are starting your real estate investment journey, you are set for a productive adventure. However, things could go south if you make mistakes new real estate investors make.


No matter how simple a field is, no one becomes an expert overnight. When you are starting your real estate investment journey, you are set for a productive adventure. However, things could go south if you make mistakes new real estate investors make. In this blog, we will be discussing common mistakes first time investors you can’t learn from mistakes you do not know.

Land Republic is not just committed to helping you acquire land, we care about your real estate experience as a whole. Our care for your journey spurred us to curate several resources you could learn from. Some of these resources include the beginner's best guide to real estate investment in 2023 and abcs of real estate investment. You could also catch up with several other resources on our blog.

1.      Thinking Appreciation Happens Overnight

Real estate is not magic, the benefits are mostly seen when you make use of real estate as a long-term plan. Unfortunately, many first time real estate investors do not know this. They tend to think that real estate is a market that booms overnight. As such, some first time investors tend to rush into the market thinking they will get their profits within the shortest possible time. However, this is not always the case.

Appreciation of properties is usually caused by several factors. Some of these factors include proximity to infrastructural developments, access to major parts of the city and high demand. Oftentimes, it takes a while for you to have all or some of these factors in place. Hence, you must be willing to exercise patience.

2.      Not Conducting Thorough Research

Research is usually considered a tedious task, but it is always worth the time, money and effort. Research helps you make informed decisions and aids you in becoming a better investor. Furthermore, it saves you from falling victim to the tricks of scammers.  

Before investing in a real estate property, you should understand the real estate market, property and location of the property. You can only get an in-depth understanding of these by conducting thorough research. Unfortunately, failure to research these could lead you to make decisions that will result in great loss.

Most first time real estate investors tend to skip the research process. If at all research is conducted, it is usually restricted and limited to the intended property.

As a first time real estate investor, you should be thorough and meticulous with your research. You should understand the local real estate values and the property values. Additionally, you must be able to identify the best investment opportunities. One of the ways to get this done is by conducting an all-inclusive research. Your research should include an analysis of the job market, crime rate, government policies and demographic trends. Also, ensure to research a statistical overview of the economy of the area.

3.      Doing Everything on their Own

Several resources give you the basic knowledge about real estate investment but do not do it on your own. Working with a real estate expert will save you lots of stress as a first time real estate investor. Even if you have some success stories with real estate, the process may not be so smooth in a down market.

One myth that prevents several first time real estate investors from working with professionals is the fear of the fee of the professionals. You would need to pay the professionals. However, the fee is nowhere close to the amount of money you would lose in a bad deal. 

Real estate professionals spot impending danger ahead of time, they save you from common mistakes and help you navigate tough market seasons. Furthermore, they provide you with insight, support and guidance throughout the investment process. It’s often exciting to make your first real estate investment, but if you make a bad mistake with the first, you will get discouraged. Unfortunately, this can make you give up on real estate investment altogether. Working with experts helps safeguard your excitement about real estate, your money and your property.

4.      Not having a Plan

What is your plan? Before venturing into real estate investment, you need a plan. Yes, real estate has a good return on investment, but how do you plan to generate yours? What field of real estate are you venturing into? How do you intend to make money from that field? What is the next line of action if the market sours? You need to answer these questions before investing in real estate.

Investing without a clear-cut plan and goal can lead to poor investment decisions. As a beginner, you should know your risk tolerance and investment objectives. This will help you make informed decisions and focus on the goal. Furthermore, an investment plan helps you create a backup plan if the network declines.                                                                                                       

5.      Improper Evaluation of a Property’s Value

Several first time investors do not evaluate the value of properties correctly. While this might be because of little or no research, it is sometimes caused by the eagerness of first time investors to acquire a property. Most times, when first time investors see properties that meet their needs and preferences, they forget all other factors.

When they forget factors like this, they will not compare the prices of properties in the area. However, this could make them prone to purchasing overpriced properties. Or worse, you could buy a property that would not generate positive returns.

As you progress in real estate, you will learn the rates and evaluation of real estate properties. You would also be more familiar with gauging rates and estimating costs. However, at the initial phase, you should not forfeit your profits because you are a first time real estate investor.

6.      Choosing a Bad Location

Your location choice boils down to having a plan. One of the key factors that influence your choice of property is your proposed use of the property. For example, if you plan to own a fish pond, getting land where there is a river is a good idea. However, for a company or residential property, this cannot be a good option. Such a location is prone to flooding and could get you locked out of your home or office.

Another factor that would help you choose the right location is proper research. You should inquire about the best properties for your intended land use purpose. This will save you from making the mistake of choosing the wrong location. Additionally, it will help you invest in real estate like a professional.

7.      Focusing Your Research on a Particular City

It is good for you to have properties in the city you reside, but you do not have to start your investment journey in that city. Most first time investors focus on a specific geographical area because of the high profit they expect to get from there. Unfortunately, doing this causes them to lose several investment opportunities in other areas.

It is better to widen your scope of research so that you maximize real estate investment opportunities in several areas. Most especially, in less developed areas that are prone to becoming booming cities down the line. At the time when these properties are underdeveloped, they usually cost less. The moment traffic towards that area increases and demand begins the soar, prices begin to skyrocket. Hence, giving you the chance to regain your capital with much more profit.

8.      Not Checking the State of the Property

Many first-time investors who buy buildings and developed properties often make this mistake. They get so blown away by the reality of becoming home/building owners that they forget to check the state of the property. Sometimes, even when they check, they skimp through with excitement and fail to take in all the details.

Some other first-time investors take in the details but do not make much of it. Hence, causing them to underestimate the cost of repairs and sometimes overpay for the property. Before agreeing to pay any fee, you need to look through the property well.

Note the parts that need repairs and get the cost of those areas. Additionally, you could negotiate with the seller to fix the faulty parts or agree on a fair deal for both parties. Failure to address glitches like this could cause you to pay high costs for repairs and cart away a lot of your profit.

9.      Omitting the Negotiation Phase

Many first time real estate investors omit the negotiation phase. When getting started with real estate, you must be prepared to negotiate. Interestingly, there could be several phases of negotiation. However, the most critical one is the purchase made at the time of purchase.

Failure to negotiate the cost of a property will affect the profitability of the property. This is because a failure to close a good deal at the time of purchase will affect the deal at the time of sale. One of the reasons for this is that you would not want to sell at a loss and your buyers could be working with market price. Sometimes, the market price may be lower than the price you are willing to sell. Hence making your property seem like an overpriced property.


There are several mistakes first-timers make when investing in real estate property. You could prepare yourself ahead by learning about these mistakes to avoid them. In this blog post, we show you 9 common mistakes first time real estate investors make and how to avoid them.

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