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December 11, 2023

Forex or Real estate, Which Should You Choose?

Forex and real estate are big names in the investment world. However, they are two entirely different investment plans. In this blog, we shall be enlightening you on the basics of both investment plans. Additionally, we will compare both plans side by side.

Forex and real estate are big names in the investment world. However, they are two entirely different investment plans. In this blog, we shall be enlightening you on the basics of both investment plans. Additionally, we will compare both plans side by side.


Most times, Forex is perceived as a moneymaking machine. However, it is a tedious investment process that requires your full engagement. With several investment strategies, Forex trading is fast becoming a popular career.

In simple terms, Forex is a global electronic marketplace where international currencies are traded. By implication, Forex involves buying or selling the currency of a country in relation to another country’s currency. 

Forex does not have a physical location or office. Hence, traders don’t physically exchange physical money in the Forex market. Additionally, this allows traders to trade all year round.

In the Forex market, traders need to know the dynamics that could cause a spike in currencies. To stay ahead, Forex traders make use of different analysis techniques to ascertain the best entry and exit points for their trades.

Pros and Cons of Forex

Forex has several advantages you can benefit from. We shall be running through them and the disadvantages you might need to manage.

Advantages of Forex

  1. Most Trading Accounts Charge Little or No Commission: When you are starting on your Forex journey, one of your greatest desires is as much profit as you can get. In Forex, most trading accounts charge little or no trade commissions. This allows you to minimize trading costs and maximize your profits.
  2. Forex Is a Global Market: You can trade Forex from anywhere in the world and at any time of the day. Due to this, several traders are constantly trading in the forex market. This leads to high liquidity and causes less price manipulation. Hence, the rate of most brokers is usually close to the interbank rate.
  3. Ease of Accessibility: One benefit of Forex is that anyone can get into the Forex market at any time. Regardless of your budget, there is always an entry point into forex provided you know how to navigate the market.
  4. Flexibility: Forex trading offers traders a lot of flexibility. Hence, Forex traders can combine several other tasks with trading Forex. Additionally, they can work regular jobs without hindering their Forex trade. Furthermore, there is no restriction on how much you can invest in the market. 
  5. It is Easy to Make Profitable Gains in Forex: The Forex market is a very liquid market from which you can easily make profits. Furthermore, its high liquidity could be a plus. The liquidity of Forex enables traders to generate profit from the market within a short time. Coupled with its high liquidity is the low transaction rate that makes it a cost-effective market to trade.

Disadvantages of Forex

Just like every investment, Forex has its disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages of Forex are:

  1. Complex Price Determination: Forex rates are affected by several factors. Some of these factors include global politics and even economics. Unfortunately, this could make it difficult for you to analyze information and make credible decisions.
    Additionally, this disqualifies Forex as a reliable long-term investment. Just like stocks, the market prices could wane in the long haul and cause you to lose your capital if you trade in a hurry.
  1. High Risk: Leverage could be an advantage in Forex investment. However, leverage could be your worst nightmare when it is not handled properly. Before engaging in leverage, you should be certain you are entering a profitable deal. If not, the interest on the leverage obtained to trade will sap your profit.
  2. Self-Directed Learning: Most Forex traders have to learn the ropes of Forex themselves. There are limited resources to guide and show traders the best forex practices. As a result of this several traders tend to make a lot of mistakes in the beginning phases of their investment. As a result, several investors tend to quit in the beginning after losing a lot of capital.

Real Estate

Real estate is an investment field that is fast gaining popularity among many investors. It comprises land and any permanent man-made additions like houses and other buildings. You can define real estate investment as the transaction and management of real estate for profit.

Real estate is a broad field with several entry points. You can begin your real estate investment journey by trading your mental knowledge for capital. If you are uncertain about how that is done, catch up with the blog Invest in real estate with little or no money.

Pros and Cons of Real Estate

Just like every other investment endeavour, real estate has its advantages and disadvantages. In this segment, we will be running you through the advantages and disadvantages of real estate investment.

Advantages of Real Estate

  1. Steady Source of Income: Real estate is an investment structure that guarantees you a steady income. For example, rental real estate has a fixed price that tenants are to turn in periodically. Such rental fees are neither volatile nor subject to external influences. As a result, you can plan with them on a long-term basis.
  2. Appreciation: One reason several investors love real estate investment is because of appreciation. With time, real estate becomes more valuable and generates more income for its owners. Even if the economy is not favourable, real estate investors can force appreciation on their properties. By implication, you do not have to bother about losing your capital when you invest in real estate.
  3. You Can Purchase Real Estate Lower Than Market Prices: In real estate, you don’t always have to bother about the general market prices. While you need to have an idea about market prices, you stand a chance of purchasing the property at less than the price. Sometimes, you could come across distressed sellers who are simply eager to sell their properties. In such cases, they will be more interested in disposing of the property than the general market price. However, you need an idea of the general market price to maximize this market anomaly.
  4. Real Estate Provides a Hedge Against Inflation: As a real estate investor, inflation is the least of your worries. More often than not, inflation is a plus to real estate investors. Rather than the value of your property crashing down, inflation gives you an excuse to increase your prices. 
  5. Diversification of Portfolio: Every smart investor knows the importance of portfolio diversification. There are so many branches of real estate investment where you could invest. This wide range of options gives you a chance to diversify your portfolio with ease.

Disadvantages of Real Estate

  1. Property Management Challenges: One of the challenges you might run into as a real estate investor is property management. Most especially, if you have rogue tenants. However, you can navigate this by employing a property manager who you’d need to pay for the management of your property.
  2. Lack of Liquidity: Real estate is illiquid, so it may be difficult to dispose of it within a short-term gap, most especially if you do not have strong connections. However, you can stay ahead of this by making real estate your long-term investment plan.
  3. Investing in Real Estate Requires Patience: If you are in a hurry to make a profit, real estate may not be a good investment option for you. Appreciation and property management require your willingness to be patient and commit your time to the process.

Forex or Real Estate? Weighing Both Options

Having read up to this point, you must have discovered that real estate and Forex are two different investment plans. In this segment, we will be weighing both investment options using specific criteria.

1. Liquidity

Forex is a highly liquid investment plan which allows investors to trade quickly and earn their profit. On the other hand, real estate is illiquid and requires patience to generate profit from your properties. However, it is important to note that the more liquid an investment plan is, the higher the risk.

2. Market Volatility

The forex market is a highly volatile market where prices fluctuate easily. On the other hand, real estate is much more stable. 

3. Tangible Assets

Real estate trades tangible assets that can be seen and felt. On the other hand, forex trades intangible currency pairs.

4. Investment Duration

Real estate is more tailored towards long-term investment purposes. On the other hand, you can invest short-term in forex.


We would not enthrone either real estate or forex as the best investment plan for you. That will be your decision to make. However, before choosing an investment plan, you should understand your risk appetite and how the market operates.

At Land Republic, we are committed to giving you all the help you need to be successful in your real estate investment journey. If you have further questions about real estate investment contact us via +2348122222283 and

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