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November 10, 2023

Is Real Estate Worth Your Money?

Some questions are polar questions that need to be answered using “Yes or No.” However, other questions need the presentation of facts that will empower you to choose your answer. The question “Is real estate worth your money” is not a polar question. Hence, we will be presenting you with all the facts you need to get your answer.

Some questions are polar questions that need to be answered using “Yes or No.” However, other questions need the presentation of facts that will empower you to choose your answer. The question “Is real estate worth your money” is not a polar question. Hence, we will be presenting you with all the facts you need to get your answer.

Over the years, real estate has proven to be a reasonable investment choice for investors with low-risk appetite. With basic knowledge of the real estate market, you can easily make profits from the field. Are there advantages of investing in real estate? What are the advantages? Continue reading to find out.

Why Should You Consider Investing in Real Estate?

There are several reasons to consider real estate investment. These reasons include:

1. You Can Profit Without Owning a Property

Real estate is one of the few fields that allows you to profit without huge financial commitments. Real estate has several investment strategies by which you can invest without owning a property.

One such investment method is Wholesaling. Wholesaling is a real estate investment strategy in which your real estate skills play the role of capital. It is in a real estate investment strategy in which a wholesaler serves as a middleman between a seller and a buyer. As a wholesaler, you would enter a contract with the seller to buy a property. However, that contract will be assigned to a new buyer almost immediately. To have an effective wholesaling transaction, you need a buoyant network of buyers and sellers.

Another way to profit from real estate without owning a property is through the Real Estate Investment Trusts. Real estate investment trusts operate like mutual funds and stocks. This strategy involves the purchase of shares in a company that invests in income-producing properties. If you desire to earn passive income in real estate without going through the hassles of purchasing property, you can try out REITS.

2. It is a Reliable Long Term Investment

The real estate market is more stable than several other investment plans. Prices of land don't just change because of environmental conditions and economic crises. Even when it fluctuates, the market balances itself within a short time. 

Compared to the volatile stock market, real estate is very stable. Consequently, if you desire to invest for the long term, you can always trust real estate. Most especially, when you are investing in properties which are physical assets.

3. Gives You a Hedge Against Inflation

When investors are getting worked up over inflation, real estate investors have nothing to worry about. Rather, real estate investors get excited about inflation because it means more profit for them. Real estate prices are positively affected by inflation. Hence, inflation leads to an increase in the price of real estate properties.

For example, landlords can increase the rent fees when inflation occurs. Thus, leading to an increase in their income. As such, real estate is a safe way to keep your funds from the effects of inflation.

4. It Gives You a Shot at Portfolio Diversification

Every smart investor knows the importance of portfolio diversification. As an investor, it is not just enough for you to invest, it is important to have a portfolio of different investments. The reason is not so complicated: no matter how great an investment is, it tends to flop. If all your life investments are locked in an investment that flops, your finances will be in ruins.

On the other hand, if you have a broad portfolio, investments that are doing well can serve as a buffer when one of your investments fails. Real estate provides you with the best avenues for portfolio diversification. You could own land, and build a variety of structures like hostels, malls, hotels and residential apartments, you could even invest in REITS. Real estate is a boundless world with several opportunities.  

5. It Unlocks the World of Passive Income

Real estate is one of the easiest ways to earn passive income. Several investors tend to sideline real estate when thinking of passive income. Unfortunately, this is because they do not know the numerous benefits of real estate investment.

As a property owner, renting out our property enables you to get income without doing anything serious. All you need to do is follow up on the tenants to ensure payment is done promptly. Additionally, you could conduct routine checks on the property to ensure it is in shape.

Land ownership is another way to earn passively from real estate. Land on its own appreciates when left for a while. However, you could force appreciation on the property by making it conducive for activities like farming and lease purposes. After which your income will flow in without much effort from you.

6. Real Estate Can be Passed Down to Your Kids

If you desire to build generational wealth, real estate is one of the ways you can achieve that. Cash and other investment strategies tend to depreciate and get lower in value as time passes. On the other hand, real estate is a constantly appreciating asset. Hence, as time passes, the value increases and becomes much more than the initial capital invested.

When you are old and grey, you can easily hand over the documents and transfer ownership to your kids. Depending on their knowledge of the market, they could either leave the property to appreciate and keep it for their kids to inherit. Or, they could sell it off and get profits from the property.

7. Real Estate is Subject to Appreciation

The passage of time has a powerful effect on real estate. As days roll into months and years, the value of real estate properties increases. Interestingly, you do not need to wait for long before your property appreciates. As a real estate investor, you can force appreciation on your real estate property.

Several factors influence real estate appreciation. These include:

  • Property Usability: The more usable a property is, the higher the demand for the property. Since the supply of the property cannot be increased, the price will need to shoot up to give allowance for higher-paying tenants to acquire the property. Hence, forcing the property to appreciate.
  • Demand and Supply: The economic law of demand and supply is also applicable in real estate investment. The higher the demand for a property, the higher the appreciation. As a real estate investor, you can force the demand for your property to increase.

One of the ways to force demand is by improving the property. For example, if the property is developed, a renovation will bring about greater demand for the property. Interestingly, the touch-up could be as simple as adding a fresh layer of paint. Once make remarkable improvements and make your property captivating, it will appreciate at a fast rate.

  • Location: The location of your property plays a huge role in determining whether or not your property will appreciate. Properties in the city and developed areas appreciate faster than properties in undeveloped areas. Furthermore, the closer a property is to prominent city markers, the faster its appreciation. Some of such prominent markers include markets, malls, airports, industries, higher institutions, and tourist attractions. Such properties are considered top-notch luxury and this causes demand for them to hit the roof.

Disadvantages of Investing in Real Estate

As stated at the beginning of this blog, it will be a holistic overview of the real estate industry. This will equip you with the information you need to make your decisions. So we will be examining the disadvantages of real estate investment in this section.

1. Property Market Research Could be Time-Consuming

Often, real estate investors are counselled to conduct market research before purchasing real estate properties. However, most people do not discuss how tedious the process could be. Property market research shouldn’t be skipped because failure to conduct thorough research could cause you to get scammed. You can bypass this process by acquiring your property through a credible real estate agent/company.

2. You Need to Maintain the Real Estate Property

Property maintenance is an essential part of real estate investment. When your property is not maintained at intervals, you are at risk of losing your real estate investment to damage. Furthermore, lack of maintenance gets the property to a point where you would need to spend huge amounts for repairs.

3. Real Estate is Not a Great Option for Short-Term Investment

Real estate investment functions best when invested as a long-term plan. This is partly due to the low liquidity rate of real estate properties. Hence, if you are in it for the short term, it may be difficult to exit the investment when you are ready to regain your capital.


“Is real estate worth your money?” Having read through this blog, we expect you to have your answers to this important question. If you have further questions about real estate investment contact us via +2348122222283 and At Land Republic, we are committed to seeing you ace your real estate investment game.

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