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April 8, 2024

Key Considerations Before You Buy A Land In Ibadan

People buy land for different purposes. While some buy to build in the immediate, others simply delight in having a portfolio of properties in their names. Regardless of the reason you are buying the land, this blog will guide you through Key considerations before buying land in Ibadan.

Ibadan is Nigeria's third largest city in terms of population. It is renowned as a hub of cultural and economic activities. Thus, making it a delightful place to own properties. Before you buy a land in Ibadan, you should pay attention to the factors that will be discussed in this blog.

People buy land for different purposes. While some buy to build in the immediate, others simply delight in having a portfolio of properties in their names. Regardless of the reason you are buying the land, this blog will guide you through Key considerations before buying land in Ibadan.

Essential Factors to Look Out for Before you Buy a Land in Ibadan

1. The Location

You possibly might wonder why several real estate blogs have a section dedicated to "location." The location of a property is one of the most important factors to consider before you buy a land in Ibadan. It is one of the most defining factors. Check factors like the accessibility of the property and its proximity to social amenities. Some of the essential amenities you should look out for are schools, healthcare facilities, shopping centres and markets. Also, research about the reputation and safety of the location.

If the area is an undeveloped location, analyse the proposed future development plans of the location to see if it is a suitable match for you.

2. Do your Due Diligence.

Like the location, this is a point that is often stressed and emphasized. : Do your due diligence" is not a term that is so complicated. It simply means conducting thorough research and verifying the authenticity of claims. Before committing your resources to the acquisition of any property, confirm the authenticity of ownership by the acclaimed owner.

Confirmation of ownership shouldn’t be done by just words, ensure there are documents to back up the claims. Some of the documents you should look out for include a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O), Deed of Assignment, and Survey Plan.

These days, criminals have become smarter in their fraudulent practices. Hence, some of them might be able to cook up falsified documents to back up their claims. You could outsmart them by involving the experts. Engage the services of surveyors and legal practitioners when purchasing a property. They are experts in the field and can readily identify falsified documents from original documents.

3. The Infrastructure and Utilities

The quality of your life in any area is dependent on the quality of infrastructure and utilities. Before you buy a land in Ibadan, ensure you assess the availability and reliability of infrastructures in the area. Confirm access to essential facilities like electricity and telecommunications. Also, evaluate the water system in the community. If some of the essential facilities are not in the best state, confirm if there are plans for upgrades or expansion projects.

4. Security and Safety

No matter how hard-pressed you are to buy a land in Ibadan, prioritize your safety and security. Research about the crime rates of the area and security measures implemented in the neighbourhood. Also, confirms the community policing initiatives employed to keep the environment secure. 

Aside from whatever is told you, critically examine the routes leading to the community to ensure you are not being deceived. Ask about the nearest police centre and plans to construct one in case there is none nearby. Inquire about how the environment is being secured at night. Another question you shouldn't miss the chance to ask is the frequency of crimes and robberies. The answers you get to these questions will serve as a good pointer to how safe the community is.

5. Market Dynamics and Trends

You need to be up-to-date with the market dynamics and trends before you buy a land in Ibadan. Pay attention to factors like the property price, rental yields, vacancy rates and demand-to-supply ratio. Your knowledge of these essential factors will help you assess the investment potential of the land.

The best way to understand the market dynamics and trends is by seeking insight from local real estate professionals. Due to their knowledge of the landscape of the area, they can supply you with data-driven knowledge that will aid you in making decisions aligned with your investment objectives.

Contact Land Republic before you buy a land in Ibadan. We have a proven track record of helping people invest in real estate effortlessly. Over the years, we have aced the real estate industry and helped people become proud property owners. We are conscious of the market trends and actively keep tabs on the real estate news. Hence, helping our investors make the best of the real estate market.

6. Land Use Regulations

Do not buy a land in Ibadan without knowing the land use regulations. Ensure the zoning of the land and inquire about the permissible land use, building setbacks and zoning requirements that may affect your property development. You should comply with the regulatory requirements to avoid legal challenges or total loss of the property. For example, constructing an industrial facility in an area marked for residential purposes will result in legal actions and possible demolition of the facility. You may as well be asked to pay a fine for the inconvenience caused to residents of the area.

You need to pay more attention to the land use regulations when buying a property in an undeveloped area. In an undeveloped area, it is difficult to physically access the kind of structures in the area. Hence, you will need to reference the master plan to evaluate the proposed development plans for the area. Additionally, this will help you align the proposed use of the vicinity with your plans for the property.

7. Financial Feasibility

Do not be in a rush to meet up with the cost of purchase of the property. Conduct a financial feasibility study before buying a property in any part of Ibadan. Check factors like the legal fees, survey costs and additional costs you may need to pay for. Evaluate how these financial implications meet up with your budget and determine if you will need to source additional funding. 

Before committing to any type of additional funding, evaluate the pros and cons of different funding types. Also, draft out a clear repayment plan so you don't get stuck midway.

8. Environmental Consideration

Observe the environmental conditions of the property before you buy a land in Ibadan. Check factors like the suitability and sustainability of the land for development purposes. Also analyse the property's susceptibility to factors like soil erosion, and pollution. Keenly watch out to ensure the land is not in proximity to environmentally sensitive areas. 

Your analysis of the environmental conditions of the property will put you in a good place to identify hazards early and employ the appropriate mitigation measures. Hence, reducing damage and adverse effects.

9. Professional Guidance

The importance of seeking expert advice before you buy a land in Ibadan cannot be overemphasized. Experts walk this road with several people and can identify pitfalls thousands of miles away. Before purchasing a property, employ the services of real estate professionals, legal practitioners and surveyors. Their expertise will help you navigate complexities that could arise when procuring a property.

Furthermore, they will help you identify lucrative opportunities. Their expertise will be a leverage for you to gain insights into the real estate market and streamline your investment to the best deals in town.

10. History of Potential Dispute

If you won't be buying a property from real estate agents, you should ask for the family that owns the property. Most times, properties sold in Ibadan are owned by properties. Hence, when you are being approached by a single individual, it could be a dubious deal. You want to ensure you are not a victim of criminals, so you should ask about the property ownership history. Also, ensure that the claims are backed up with official documents.

When probing about the ownership history of the property, research if there was a previous dispute over the land in the past. Properties with a history of family disputes may not be a safe place for you to invest your finances. Even if there is some measure of calm, a property with a history of dispute may not be an advisable investment option. In a couple of years, the dispute may start again and you will need to pay some more money or forfeit the property.

Importance of Due Diligence when Buying a Land in Ibadan

Conducting thorough research and evaluating the factors above is all a matter of foresight. Real estate investment is not a walk in the park. It is you sticking it out over the long haul. Consequently, you need to consider factors that will affect your profitability and use of the land. You need to evaluate the property alongside your goals and ambitions to ensure you aren't wasting resources.


At Land Republic, we are committed to helping you ace your real estate investment journey. We have curated tons of real estate resources that will help you master real estate investment. If you have further questions or enquiries, Contact us today via +2348122222283 and We are available to answer your questions and give you the clarity you need.

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