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May 16, 2024

The Benefits of Eco-Friendly Homes

The push toward eco-friendly living goes beyond a trend; it has become a necessity. As the world faces constant environmental challenges, the real estate industry has come to understand that the concept of Eco-friendly homes is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This blog explores the features, benefits, challenges, and the future of Eco-friendly homes in the Nigerian real estate industry.

In recent times, there has been a shift (by individuals, industries, and governments) to live and produce things in an environmentally friendly manner. This phenomenon is popularly known as "going green" and is a response to the prevalent environmental challenges we face in the world today. Global warming and climate change have become serious causes for alarm lately, and one of the ways of curbing these occurrences is the introduction of Eco-friendly homes.



The push toward eco-friendly living goes beyond a trend; it has become a necessity. As the world faces constant environmental challenges, the real estate industry has come to understand that the concept of Eco-friendly homes is no longer a luxury but a necessity. This blog explores the features, benefits, challenges, and the future of Eco-friendly homes in the Nigerian real estate industry.  


What are Eco-Friendly Homes?


Eco-friendly homes are designed to have a low impact on the environment. One of their standout features is that they produce fewer energy emissions and waste than traditional homes. Usually, the materials and technology used in building Eco-friendly homes are harmless to the environment and are recyclable. 


One of the most significant benefits of Eco-friendly homes is their long-term cost-effectiveness. While the initial cost of building an Eco-friendly home may be higher, this cost is eventually offset by lower energy bills and other savings per time. For instance, a study by the Nigerian Energy Commission recorded that solar panels can save Nigerian homeowners an average of #200,000 per year on electricity.


Summarily, Eco homes are constructed to reduce energy consumption and emissions to the barest minimum and minimize their impact on the environment.


Features of Eco-Friendly Homes



Eco-homes are typically designed to meet several sustainability needs. Consequently, every Eco home is constructed with specific features that tackle a problem homeowners or developers would like to solve.


Here are some of the most common features of Eco-friendly homes.


1. Energy Efficient Lighting and Appliances 

A common feature of Eco-friendly homes is the introduction of lighting and appliances that save more energy. These include:

  • Rainwater conservation systems
  • Smart lighting 
  • LED lights
  • Smart technology appliances
  • Central heating systems 
  • Multi-flush toilets 
  • Solar panels to generate electricity for the home, etc.


2. Sustainable Building Materials 

Eco-friendly home developers are intentional about the type of materials they use as the materials used for a home determine its carbon footprint and environmental impact. Consequently, materials used for Eco-friendly homes are environmentally friendly. These materials include:

  • Reclaimed or recycled materials
  • Non-toxic natural materials from sustainable sources like sand, straw, wood, etc.
  • Naturally insulating materials like fiberglass
  • Biodegradable materials


3. Thermal Insulation 

Insulation is one of the most effective ways to conserve energy in homes. Most homeowners warm their houses with heaters when it gets chilly, but as the heaters generate heat, this heat is lost to the atmosphere. The incorporation of thermal insulation into Eco-friendly homes allows heat to be stored better. The following designs can help conserve some energy:

  • Blow-in insulation systems 
  • Triple glazed windows 
  • Insulated roofs, doors, and walls
  • Draught and leakproofing, etc.


4. Air Tightness, Natural Lighting, and Proper Ventilation 

Natural light is a great alternative when it comes to saving energy. Eco-friendly homes are usually designed to give room for natural light as much as possible through large and strategically positioned skylights, windows, etc. 

Furthermore, heat recovery technology and mechanical ventilation contribute to homes being airtight and prevent heat loss. Also, fresh air ventilation systems sustain optimum air quality by providing fresh air to the house while expelling carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.


5. Renewable Energy

Eco-friendly homes address the dangers that come from fossil fuels by replacing them with renewable energy. From wind turbines, and solar panels, to recycling systems, homeowners can generate cleaner energy and save long-term costs.


What Are the Benefits of Eco-Friendly Homes?


Eco-friendly homes come with various benefits to the people living in them, others around them, and the environment. 


Here are some of these benefits:


Reduced Environmental Impact



Eco-homes produce fewer greenhouse gases and other pollutants, protecting the environment and mitigating climate change. Eco-friendly homes are a way of creating a sustainable future for future generations. They are designed to align with environmental standards and reduce environmental damage to the barest minimum.


Less Running Costs 



Materials used in constructing Eco homes are generally durable. Consequently, they last longer, eliminate the need for constant maintenance, and significantly reduce the cost of running the home. While the initial investment into Eco homes may be high, as time goes on the cost of running them reduces.


Improved Comfort and Health

Eco-friendly homes are usually better insulated and ventilated, leading to a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment. Usually, wood and other nontoxic products are used in constructing Eco-friendly homes, promoting healthy well-being. 


Additionally, living in an Eco-friendly house influences the quality of living standards. There is plenty of quality air, natural lighting, a more controlled temperature level, and a soothing indoor environment. 


Increased Property Value

Eco-friendly homes usually sell for more money than traditional homes. A study by the Nigerian Property Center records that Eco-friendly homes in Nigeria sell for an average of 10% more than traditional homes. 


Lower Carbon Footprint 

Eco-friendly homes play an important role in reducing carbon emissions. On average, residential buildings in the United States account for about 20% of the country's total energy consumption and gas emissions. 


Eco-friendly homes incorporate renewable energy sources like solar panels and adopt other energy-efficient practices to reduce their carbon footprint.


Challenges of Eco-Friendly Homes


As much as Eco-friendly homes are important to the environment, they are not without their challenges. For instance, the initial cost of building an Eco-friendly home is high and can discourage developers and homeowners alike.


Furthermore, the benefits of investing in Eco-friendly homes may not be immediately obvious. For instance, the energy savings from a solar panel may not be realized until after a while. This may make it difficult for developers to justify the initial cost of investing in Eco-friendly homes.


Here are some other challenges that come with Eco-friendly homes:


Culture and Aesthetics 

Sustainable housing typically challenges conventional notions of beauty and functionality. Many people are used to buildings that are ornate, grand, and flashy and may view Eco-friendly homes as boring and uninspiring. This may make it challenging for real estate investors to sell to clients who are more interested in aesthetics.

Furthermore, many cultures and communities have strong traditional architectural designs that may be difficult to alter for sustainable principles. This may pose a challenge for developers in designing buildings that are both functional and culturally appropriate.


Limited Access 

Many Eco-friendly materials are relatively expensive, making them inaccessible to some communities and individuals. This can create a gap between those who can live in Eco-friendly homes and those who cannot.


Lack of Standardization and Certification

It is hard to find a standard definition of what constitutes a sustainable building, and there is no uniformity in the best practices and technologies to use. This can make it difficult for developers to design and construct Eco-friendly buildings, as there are no clear guidelines to follow.


The Future of Eco-Friendly Homes in Nigeria  


The growing demand for homes that are healthier and more comfortable to live in has led to the emerging shift toward Eco-friendly homes in Nigeria. These Eco-friendly homes are designed to minimize their environmental impact, in terms of their construction materials and the energy they consume.


With more awareness and exposure to the need for sustainable housing in Nigeria, the real estate industry in Nigeria is expected to encourage the introduction of Eco-friendly practices. 


Land Republic is committed to creating awareness of the need to esteem sustainable housing to ensure a healthier environment.


For more insight on topics like this, reach out today via 2348122222283 and




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