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August 12, 2024

Top 10 Myths Surrounding Real Estate Investment in Nigeria

What comes to your mind when you think about real estate investment in Nigeria? Do you imagine you need to break the bank before you can invest in real estate? Or do you feel you are stepping into an arena of endless risks? Whatever the case is, it will interest you to know that most perceptions about the real estate industry are quite flawed. Luckily, this blog was written just for you to debunk myths flying around concerning real estate investment in Nigeria.


What comes to your mind when you think about real estate investment in Nigeria? Do you imagine you need to break the bank before you can invest in real estate? Or do you feel you are stepping into an arena of endless risks? Whatever the case is, it will interest you to know that most perceptions about the real estate industry are quite flawed. 

Luckily, this blog was written just for you to debunk myths flying around concerning real estate investment in Nigeria.

Here are the top 10 myths surrounding real estate investment in Nigeria:

Myth 1: You Need to be Stinking Rich to Invest in Real Estate

There is a general misconception that real estate investment belongs to only a wealthy handful of the Nigerian population. This perspective is quite flawed and discourages interested people from venturing into what could be a life-changing journey for them. 

Today, real estate investment in Nigeria is easier than ever before due to initiatives like instalment payments and loans. Additionally, real estate crowdfunding has come to ensure that people with small amounts of capital can invest in real estate.

Myth 2: Real Estate Investment is a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme 

Many Nigerians are of the notion that real estate investment is an easy way into quick money. This is probably one of the greatest myths ever! A result of this grave misconception is the eventual failure of investors who think they are supposed to get rich from day one.

Like any other venture that stands the test of time, real estate investment requires quality time, effort and other sacrifices. This is not to discourage you from being a real estate investor; however, you should know what to expect. As you devote time, and effort and get the right exposure to helpful information, things start to take shape.

Summarily, real estate investment is not a ‘Ponzi scheme’ but it surely can make you rich in the long run, especially if you make the right investment decisions. 

Myth 3: Quick Sales are Guaranteed 

If you think your property will be sold as soon as it gets on the market, you may want to readjust your expectations. The speed at which a property is sold is dependent on various factors, including price, market conditions, overall demand, etc. While some properties might sell effortlessly, others may require more time.

Myth 4: You do not Need Professional Help

Who says real estate investment in Nigeria has to be a DIY venture? A lot of people have gotten into a mess because they thought they did not need professional help. As much as it is great to know things for yourself, you may also need a professional perspective on issues. This results in you making the best possible investment decisions.

Like it or not, quality services from real estate authorities like Land Republic can make your real estate journey more seamless.

Myth 5: Renovations always Lead to Higher Value

As disappointing as this may sound, not all renovations guarantee a substantial ROI. As much as renovations improve a property's general appeal, other significant factors can influence its value. Consequently, your renovations must align with current market trends and preferences in demand.

Myth 6: Property Prices Always Rise 

While real estate can be a solid long-term investment, it is essential to always remember that the real estate market is subject to fluctuation. Property values can be affected by various conditions, including location, economic stability, developmental trends, etc. Thus, you can be strategic in knowing the right time to buy or sell your property.

Myth 7: Real Estate Investment in Nigeria is not for the Young 

There is a general belief in Nigerian society that certain decisions like real estate investment are exclusive to the older generation. While the underlying rationale behind this narrative may be noble, it may be doing more harm than good. As much as young people should be shielded from making costly choices, they should also not be prevented from learning as this shapes them in the long run.

Starting early (of course, with proper guidance), in real estate investment can be very beneficial. It gives a sense of responsibility and can improve the quality of life of individuals as they advance in age.

Myth 8: Real Estate Agents will Say Anything to get a Deal 

There’s no denying that some “agents” will do or say anything just to close a deal and make money; nevertheless, it would be wrong to put all real estate professionals in the same box. You may have had some bad encounters with agents in the past, but that does not mean all agents are the same. 

Being intentional about whose services you employ will go a long way in ensuring you get the right man for the job.

Myth 9: Invest in Property Only When the Market is Favorable 

The real estate market, like many other markets in Nigeria, experiences a significant level of volatility. This means that prices are never constant for long periods. There are times you may need to invest in property even when the market is unfavourable because waiting for the perfect time may be a loss on your part. Investments made during unfavourable market conditions can turn out to be life-changing.

Myth 10: Real Estate Investment is Stressful 

Yes, real estate investment is not a walk in the park, but this does not imply that there is no breathing space for investors. Not all investment decisions are challenging; moreover, with proper guidance from companies like Land Republic, investing can be effortless for you.


Real estate investment is, undoubtedly, an interestingly complex world, requiring proper guidance and an understanding of the market if you intend to thrive. Land Republic is well aware of this reality and provides top-notch services that can make your real estate journey seamless.

For more inquiries, about our services and resources, reach out today via 2348122222283 and

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