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June 7, 2023

Top 10 ways to Earn Steady Income in Real Estate

There are several ways to earn steady income from real estate without sweat. This article will show you all the possible ways you can make money from real estate without stress.


Owning a steady income from real estate is not a fluke. Yes, you would be required to put in the work. However, it pays off in the long run. Real estate is an industry where you can constantly make gains. Sometimes, these gains are not as regular as you expect.

You are in the right place if you desire to make a steady income from real estate. This guide will walk you through the various ways of making a steady income from real estate.

Ways to Earn Passive Steady Income From Real Estate

There are several ways to earn steady income from real estate without sweat. This article will show you all the possible ways you can make money from real estate. For starters, you could check out our best real estate investment strategies guide.

1. Long-Term Rental Properties

Long-term rental properties are one of the oldest strategies for making money from real estate. It involves giving out an apartment, building, or unit to a tenant for a specified period. In more recent parlance, this strategy is often regarded as a lease.

Before leasing your property, you undergo negotiations and legal documentation with the proposed occupant. The signed document will contain the agreement's terms and the payment frequency. Additionally, witnesses from both parties will be involved in the documentation.

Once the documents are signed and the terms of the agreement are met, there will be a consistent flow of income from the property whenever it is due.

2. Co-Ownership

Constructing an apartment or rental property could be capital-intensive. Due to this, you should form partnerships with people. In this partnership, you will decide on the kind of property you intend to invest in. Additionally, you will discuss the commitment of each partner and the duration for which the partnership will run.

Afterward, the partners will decide on the area the property will be located. The partners in the co-ownership have a mutual right and are entitled to mutually enjoy the benefits of the property. Every decision that will be made regarding the property will require the knowledge and consent of the partners.

For effectiveness, members of the partnership should employ legal documentation at the start of the partnership. The legal document should contain terms of entry, exit, and the proper decision making for properties owned by the partnership.

The partners in a co-ownership have a mutual right and are entitled to mutually enjoy the benefits of the property.

3. Real Estate Syndication

Real estate Syndication is similar to co-ownership and crowdfunding but very different. A real estate syndication involves the coming together of several investors to fund a project. In a syndicate, no one can lay claims to property ownership.

Sometimes, the joint owners in a syndicate do not meet each other physically before setting up a syndicate. They connect via online platforms that serve the purpose of bringing investors together. Real estate syndicates allow you to own properties that would have been too expensive to purchase personally.

Sometimes, the joint owners in a syndicate do not meet each other physically before setting up a syndicate.

4. Corporate Rentals

Several companies often need to move their employees from state to state for work purposes. Due to the duration of these trips, hotels could be quite pricey. Additionally, these companies often want a space their employees can personalize during the period of the trip. This birthed the need for corporate rentals. Corporate rentals are a real estate strategy primarily serving the corporate industry.

Usually, companies get these apartments from the owner for their employers. Sometimes, the rental is based on a lease. At other times, it is a rental fee that is renewed occasionally. One of the ways to benefit from corporate rentals is by identifying companies that need the service. Afterward, submit an appealing proposal they would find difficult to refuse.

5. Publicly Traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real estate investment trusts are a form of real estate investment that enables you to earn actively. Like the stock market, you will acquire shares of real estate investment trusts. These real estate investment trusts are companies that invest in real estate properties. The income these companies make from trading their properties is then distributed among the company's shareholders.

Real estate investment trusts are one of the easiest ways to get into real estate. Additionally, earning from real estate investment trusts is easier because it is a highly liquid real estate investment. Like other types of real estate, investing in REITS also has disadvantages. If the trust is not well managed, there could be financial challenges during a recession.

Real estate investment trusts are one of the easiest ways to get into real estate.

6. House Hacking

House hacking is a structure that is similar to subletting. It is a form of real estate investment in which you rent out a portion of your apartment. In house hacking, you rent an apartment bigger than you need, and then rent out a portion of it.

House hacking is a way to constantly earn income to offset some of your living expenses. In other cases, the house hacker does not even live in the hacked apartment. Once the rent is paid off to the owners, you can charge your desired rent from the apartment owner.

House hacking is a way to constantly earn income to offset some of your living expenses.

7. Vacation Homes

Not everyone loves to lodge in hotels during vacations. Some people prefer places they can own, customize and live as they would in their houses. Vacation homes cannot be built just anywhere. To make a profit from such homes, you should construct the apartment in areas with transient populations.

One major characteristic of such areas is that they are close to places that attract tourist attention. The disadvantage of vacation homes is that you must be prepared to deal with rescheduling, cancellations, and payment for housekeeping services. Additionally, you should be prepared to deal with moments when the influx of tourists wouldn't as high as normal.

8. Apartment Buildings

People would always need homes to live in. Hence, making apartment buildings a type of real estate investment that will always be in vogue. To make the most of apartment buildings, you should consider making them multi-unit facility that caters to the privacy of each occupant.

Your apartment building should also take note of the type of apartments people love. One cons of investing in apartment buildings is that you must be prepared for constant renovation. If your apartment runs out of vogue, its value will begin to drop, and you will not earn so much money from the apartment.

Aside from this, interest in old buildings tends to drop over time. Consequently, you must constantly renovate and refurbish your buildings to meet the market standard.

9. Subletting

If you own an apartment, you do not need to construct a new building to earn active income from real estate. Subletting is when homeowners give up a portion of their apartment for rent. The part that will be given up could be the boys' quarter of a semi-detached part of the building. In some cases, House owners construct demarcations to rent out a portion of their building.

Subletting is when homeowners give up a portion of their apartment for rent.

10. Ground Leases

Several people often make the mistake of thinking that you can only earn money from constructed apartments. However, that is not the case. You can make money from undeveloped land via ground leases. Different people are usually in need of bare ground for several purposes.

These purposes could include temporary tent erection, parking lodges, farming, gaming centers, etc. For such people, all they need is an unoccupied land. This unoccupied land could generate massive returns for you if it is strategically located.

Mistakes to Avoid When Building Income Structures for Real Estate

1. Starting Without Knowing the Risk

Several people get started in real estate plans without researching the risk involved. This could be dangerous because you wouldn't know how to position yourself to maximize the benefits of the plan. Also, not conducting proper research will make reading exit signs difficult.

2. Improper Account

When dealing with real estate, you must have a functional account department. You should be able to accurately read your inflow and outflow per time.

3. Not Diversifying Your Real Estate Portfolio

When investing in real estate, it is best to diversify your portfolio. Do not invest all your income in one property or a particular area. Even if you start that way, you must constantly work towards diversification.

4. Starting Out With Too Much Debt

Regardless of where you are in your financial journey, some types of real estate investments are suitable for you. The danger of incurring too much debt is that you may be unable to pay it back and lose the property. Rather than starting based on debt, you could start with an investment within your income. Our guide on investing in real estate with little or no money will be helpful for you.


Real estate is a lucrative business from which you can easily make money. However, you must thoroughly research the pros and cons of each investment. Doing this will help to ensure that you do not lose your money.

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