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June 24, 2024

Urban Renewal: An Emerging Trend in Nigeria's Real Estate Industry

If you are up-to-date with Nigeria's real estate's latest happenings, you are not a stranger to the phrase “Urban renewal." Urban renewal is gradually gaining attention in Nigeria’s real estate industry. We have the increasing population of the country to thank for that. Cities are expanding to the limit with more influx in big cities. To cope with the influx, there is a need for urban renewal.

If you are up-to-date with Nigeria's real estate's latest happenings, you are not a stranger to the phrase “Urban renewal." Urban renewal is gradually gaining attention in Nigeria’s real estate industry. We have the increasing population of the country to thank for that. Cities are expanding to the limit with more influx in big cities. To cope with the influx, there is a need for urban renewal. 

Let’s explore this concept and its potential effect on the country's real estate sector. 

Urban Renewal in Nigeria

Urban renewal is simply the redevelopment or development of poor urban areas to lift their standards. The goal is to improve the area and create room for more sustainable developments. It is a necessary trend to cater to the influx in the big cities. You should note that this is different from urbanization. 

Urbanization is the development of rural areas to urban level and its goal is to improve the living conditions of those in rural areas. However, urban renewal is centered around maximizing the real estate potential of major cities. 

It is important to recognize the contributing factors to urban renewal in the country. Here are some of them. 

Government Policies and Initiatives: 

The government understands that they play an important role in developing the urban areas. They initiate the development through policy adoption and execution of ideas. Some of these ideas, especially in places like Abuja, include investment in public infrastructure, and the creation of affordable housing schemes. 

Private Sector Contribution: 

The government can only achieve so much. Hence, there is a need for private input in actualizing the government’s dreams and plans. Real estate developers and investors from diaspora and local areas are developing interest in urban renewal projects. 

Community Engagement: 

Without the concerned communities, it is hard to develop an urban area to acceptable standards. Urban renewal is more successful when there are collaborative efforts from the major sectors in the community. You can learn to engage residents in the planning and implementation phases. It ensures that the developments meet their needs and preferences.

Why Urban Renewal in Nigeria?

The new trend in real estate is not sudden or without cause. Major factors are driving this new development in the country. They include: 

Population Growth

Nigeria has experienced explosive growth over the years. More than half of the population is under 30 years old. It shows the level of population growth. Interestingly, the country continues to have an annual increase of 2.4%. The yearly population boom is a factor in urban renewal. 


Migration is in different phases in Nigeria. There is migration out of the country, mostly by people living in the urban areas. Then you have migration into those urban areas by rural dwellers. However, you have more rural-urban migration. The general shift in lifestyle has many people seeking economic opportunities and improved education in major cities in the country. 

Economic Development

The major economic developments and improvements in the country are in the urban areas. The continuous concentration of infrastructures and economic growth in the cities is attracting more people to the cities. 

Challenges facing the Urban Renewal Plan

The increased demand for urban renewal comes with its fair share of challenges. Some of these challenges are specific to certain areas while others are general. It is important to consider all potential issues. They include: 

Financial Obstacles: 

Financial obstacles are a major challenge in a country like Nigeria. The growing economy does not have the financial capability to take on multiple projects. The smaller or mid-scale projects enjoy the input of partnership efforts from the private sector. 

However, some large-scale urban renewal projects are necessary but it becomes difficult to find funding. As a developing country with slow or stagnant economic growth, it is difficult to improve at the proper rate. 

Land Ownership Issues

An obstacle to urban renewal plans in some cities is the issue of land ownership. Based on law, the state owns all the land. However, in some cases, some of the lands needed for renewal projects are now in private hands. This can delay or derail renewal projects. If a private entity is in charge of the project, there may be more than expected expenses dealing with land owners. 

Impacts of Urban Renewal on Nigeria’s real estate industry

The growing trend of urban renewal will impact the real estate industry. This impact will show in investors' interest in the coming years. Here are some significant impacts: 

Demand for Housing Increases

It is expected that the revitalization of urban areas to meet the current living standard will cater to the housing demands of the urban population. However, it will also encourage more movements in the cities. The movement will in turn create an even greater demand for residential properties. 

The trend creates a space for real estate developers to focus on housing projects. With urban renewal, developers can focus on building new projects on unused lands. Another option is to revamp existing structures. This revamping might include the destruction and rebuilding of old buildings.

High Demand for Commercial Real Estate

When people need a place to live, they also need a place to work. Also, the economic development in urban areas calls for commercial buildings. All these factors increase the demand for offices, shops, hotels, and other commercial structures. 

Industrial Real Estate

There is no true economic growth without industrial growth. This sector is also enjoying the impact of the urban renewal trend. Large factories and warehouses are examples of industrial demand in real estate. 

Investment Opportunities in Nigeria's Real Estate Industry

Affordable Housing Projects:

Investors have a promising opportunity to develop affordable housing projects to cater to the expanding urban population. The demand for affordable housing is high, presenting a lucrative investment option with the potential for significant returns.

Luxury Real Estate:

The market for luxury residential and commercial properties in Nigeria is growing, providing an attractive prospect for investors targeting high-income individuals and businesses. This segment offers the potential for substantial profits and long-term value appreciation.

Public-Private Partnerships:

Collaborations between the government and private sector present new avenues for investment in urban renewal and infrastructure projects. These partnerships offer a chance for investors to participate in large-scale developments that contribute to the overall growth and modernization of urban areas, with the potential for substantial returns on investment.


Urban renewal as an emerging trend will continue on its impactful course in Nigeria’s real estate industry. The good news is that there is room for private investors to jump on this profitable train. You can explore different opportunities by partnering with a trusted real estate agency. 

Land Republic is ever present and confident in helping you start on the right foot. Explore various best-in-class properties and enjoy the options. You can visit our website for more enquiries and answers. 

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